1,000,000 bottles o' beer on the wall

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I watch as neo-quick swims in the beer river and fall off the waterfall at the end of the river.

"There's no way he's going to survive." I said to myself as I pulled out a bottle of egg nog and start drinking it....


heheheheh gets up from the waterfall... now that was a rush...
i guess shaman's power still active now.. :p :p


"With that Shaman around, every drunk will be safe. That I'll have to fix."
I go to the Shaman, shoot him with my Precise Muzzle-Loader, and come back drinking my egg nog. Then I get some horse poop with a poop-scooper and dumped it all into the beer river.

"That will do well to keep those drunks out." I laughed to myself...


lol.. shaman cannot be killed :p can only die of old age... :p :p
and he is very young..
and "poop scooper??" eeeewwww


no no no....
where will my beer go...

though i would prefer vodka..

So all for Vodka say AYEEEE
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