Ɯhat Ⓨou ⅅo ᴎot ℜealize


What You Do Not Realize, 2015.

You are a soldier aboard the SS Maximus, a new Battleship specifically designed to eliminate and destroy pirate vessels in the Indian Ocean. Ever since June 9th, of 2011, it has been widely know that Somali pirates aren't the only ones poking around looking for loot. Rouge Russian crusers and stolen Chinese and North Korean warships have been patroling the Indian Ocean, stealing from many civilian ships and even sinking American Destroyers with superior tactics. Fortuniately, the US Government began work on a massive and powerful battleship, the likes of which not seen since WWII. The ship has astonishing armor and is labled unsinkable, and the main guns can even launch nuclear ordinance, if need be.

It was May 48th, 2015, when the ship was finally launched with its schedueled crew. Yourself and 235 men and women were aboard the ship, and the route was supposed to be along the Argentine coast, but something went wrong. The ship strayed off coast as the navigations computer went haywire as a storm struck, and the ship was rerouted towards Antarctica. The massive steel hull was crushed against the Ice, and the ship now lays stranded, sandwiched between massive glacial boundaries. The men were ill equipt, and it's only a matter of time before the nuclear reactor fails and power is lost. The captains last announcement was a hysterical one, and when he began his speech you realized that many people would soon be suffering the same fate of insanity.

You and every other crewman and woman listened intently to the speakers as the captain ranted his speech. He talked of how the ship was his kingdom, and the crew members his royal servants. He talked of repopulation, and killing the weak and those who opposed him, when a gunshot rang out across the speaker. The captain was killed by a man just disturbed, and that's when you realized that the ship would become a community as it dies, you only have a few months of power, and even less food. What's worse, is that something outside wants to get in, something of which is an abomination, a monster that prooved itself existant one day when a man tried to escape, it was a massive creature too big to fit through a regular door. But what the crew knew, was that there were more of them. Sooner or later, the ship would hit the fan, and everyone inside would kill eachother, themselves, or be killed by one of the creatures.

Now you must make friends with powerful people, and perhaps venture deep into the ship in search of extra powercells for the reactor, maybe even an overide for the system, and do all of these things before a war starts, or before the creatures break into the ship.

Community/war/sci fi/adventure RP.
Standard rules and character sheets apply.
(I am not joining this Rp, I am simply making it for you all. I am offering you a slice of my kingdom of creatity with this, please enjoy it.)