Change your character bonus


I just wonder why this is not a feature already.

Arguments for:
1) For some of us,this was a choice made almost a decade ago-completely uneducated
2) At some point,you might want to renovate your gameplay,without needing to create a new account
3)Soldier is way stronger in certain aspects of the game(duels) so anyone who wants to duel and does not have this avatar is put in a deficit.

Arguments against:
None that i can think of.I proposed this to the beta staff and the response i received was,we do not wish to add this feature,because we do not want to.

Conclusion: This is a problem mainly concerning older servers,but it would be welcomed from every player in the game i believe. That way, players can reinovate themselves exploring different playstyles and aspects of the game. In addition,it will improve the quality of fort battles,since players can adjust their bonuses according to alliance needs


Well-Known Member
I doubt that they told you that ''they do not want to''. One easy reason for it is because a lot of players completed quests which dropped items for that specific class...changing your class to soldier and having dueler items (boomerang etc.) makes little to no sense.


Well-Known Member
As if those items really used when you have these OP Tombola Sets.

If we start to list the things that makes no sense, trust me, we can find much more awkward ones.


I mean the items are inconsequential in 2019 and I'm willing to take the hit on having less SP in order to be part of the fort battle meta again.
If inno can't fix tanking, may as well let us all be duellers, because honestly I'm tired being a soldier and nothing more than a plaything for critical hitters.


Let history tell the story....


Well-Known Member
when a worker was nothing else but a toilet cleaner in fort fights for the first 8-9 years of this game, where were all the comments on forums to fix that? Raider, did you countribute anything on forums regarding that or were you still looking for The West then?


Well-Known Member
I have played the game when it was just released (on Turkish version that is) but then didn't play for almost a decade so not from me lol

Anyhow.. You can see that my posts are in this topic are from 2019 May (not 2020) and I have.. some different opinions on things..

Game is still borken af thou


Well-Known Member
Gate13 proposal is reasonable ...

if each class could have perks that boost the player skill if he go tank OR if he go dueller,
Inno could have more gains from sets and people bored could swap back and forth without restarting
that mean that they would spend money in sets and reskills.
actually soldier and worker have already good boost both for tank and sniper builds but
adventurer and dueller are preatty flat... you re that , you cant do else...
if i can say it ... i see a lot of player going sniper-adventurer and tank-dueller even if its not
optimal , this is a must do change for the player fun and for the sellability of event sets!