Dueling Buffs Potion


I'm an ex pure experience dueler, and it should not let you duel anyone.. I think it should just temporarily lower your dueling level to your character level.


Thanks for the feedback. The point was what mates asked: To be able a duel between exp and 0 mot players at same level. Seems that this idea wont be voted over 80%.
I am sure that they who vote no to idea will have a better idea or like the dueling system as it is.
If they have a better idea on how exp and 0 mot will come face to face let us know. Definitely will have a big yes from me.



Thanks for the feedback. The point was what mates asked: To be able a duel between exp and 0 mot players at same level. Seems that this idea wont be voted over 80%.
I am sure that they who vote no to idea will have a better idea or like the dueling system as it is.
If they have a better idea on how exp and 0 mot will come face to face let us know. Definitely will have a big yes from me.


Fort fighters and questers will vote no :(


Dueling level reset potion is definitely a better idea! I'm with you on this one, Gandalf.


DL resets have been suggested. People were warning of the problems of letting your DL get out of control since 2008 and yet people ignore the warnings and do it anyway. Actions have consequences. The idea is horrible for anyone who's been griefed by someone who dueled themselves out of their range and suddenly finds the griefer back in their range because of a potion.


DL resets have been suggested. People were warning of the problems of letting your DL get out of control since 2008 and yet people ignore the warnings and do it anyway. Actions have consequences. The idea is horrible for anyone who's been griefed by someone who dueled themselves out of their range and suddenly finds the griefer back in their range because of a potion.

Could you give us some links to threads discussing about duel resets? Because I didn't spot a single one with the forum search tool.