Fort Products?


Is there a definitive list yet of what products are required to build forts?
I've searched the forums but can't find it unless it's buried in the 52 pages in the discussion thread.:blink:




@Dee: You don't need water, I'm not sure where Kai got that from.

@bk200: Thanks for the pic. I'm bookmarking your post for the next 100 times this question is asked.


Eh, too lazy to start another thread, but its related to forts. I saw you need a minimum of 24500 town points to build up the smallest fort. If your town has less than that amount, can you take it over once the fort has been built? Or does your town always need the minimum number of points to build and construction and attack/defend the fort?


What about defending an ally's fort lets say? Your town doesn't need the required amount of points, right?


Not only do you need town construction points in order to launch a fort attack but also some cash!

An attack costs between $3000.00 and $10000.00, depending on the fort's size.