Avatar - Female

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Everyones avatar/character is male regardless of whether or not the person playing is female or male. Whey can't the ladies that play this game have a female avatar? Don't know if this has been asked for before but there are a lot of ladies that play and I am sure we would all like to have a female avatar.


I dont know what you are saying, but we get a chance to select gender at the beginning when we create our avatars. And the ladies got their avatars too.


You can choose to use a male or female avatar the first time you change your avatar. Look around, there are ladies out there. After that you are stuck with the gender you chose when you first altered your avatar.

Pankreas PorFavor

Well-Known Member
I know quite a lot of male players that use a female avatar. I will never forget my friend Father Jack - a male player with an avatar that looks like a drunk nun :)
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