View stats in bounty window for dueler class


Well-Known Member
The idea is simple, as one of the duelers class bonuses "Your battle hardened instincts allow you to see which skills and weapon your opponents wield in the duel menu.", I often use this to judge whether or not I actually have a chance in a duel however I can't see it in the bounty menu, only in the duel menu, which sorts players by proximity.

Current Workaround
Right now what I do is I scroll through the bounty screen, find a target, then find them in the duel menu to see their skills and weapon.

As stated above I simply want to be able to see the skills and gun of my target in the bounty window as I see in the duel menu.

Abuse Prevention
As this is already possible, and just takes more time then it should, I don't see any possibility for abuse.

Visual Aids

This idea is beneficial simply because it saves time.

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Good idea. I like it! Never played a dueler, but if the class bonus can be better utilized without changing it, im all for it.


Well-Known Member
Despite my general disdain for duelers *glares around the room* I think it is a good idea. I have never played the class but I can understand the benefit.


*crits WS*

It's not something I use, but it is logical. I do love the dueler dueling bonuses and it would be annoying to lose that ability looking at the sheriff.


IMO it's a useless bonus anyway since it only shows clothing bonus which doesn't really make a difference compared to whether you're duelling someone with a duel build or someone with a non-duelling build. But I guess it would be logical to show that in the sheriff as well as the duel screen.


IMO it's a useless bonus anyway since it only shows clothing bonus which doesn't really make a difference compared to whether you're duelling someone with a duel build or someone with a non-duelling build. But I guess it would be logical to show that in the sheriff as well as the duel screen.

I don't use the advantage for their bonus, I use it for their weapon, which is not useless.


I guess it's not useless if you're worried about the possibility of arthritis in your fingers caused by making one extra click per duel. But you don't even use it as an actual dueller, you use it for daily bonds or self KOs :p