Automatic notification when items are listed on the market


Proposal: automatic notification when items are listed on the market.

Current Workaround: Players need to check individual market areas everyday to see if any of the items they need are being sold.

Details: Players will select the item or product from the market menu by name.The current menu will need to be changed to reflect ALL possible products and equipment.If the item is not available the player will be prompted to set a notification message, simple yes or no. When the item you are looking for is posted on the market a notification will be sent to you.

Loopholes: This is just a notification service and does not allow you to "auto purchase" I see no way for anyone to use the service to an unfair advantage.

Visual aid:
For example lets say I want to buy Annie Oakley's plaid pants. First I select pants from the market menu.


ALL pants are listed, not just the ones being sold at the moment.I select Annie Oakley's and get the following message.I click on "YES".

When someone puts Annies up for sale I get this message.

Summary: Personally I have a long list of items or products I need for quests,crafting,collections and equipment sets.I am constantly searching numerous market posts for the things I need and forgetting to look for half of them.I believe this would be a simple and useful tool to help players find the items they need and cut down on search time.


I was thinking about suggesting something like this, but it would just be an extension of the watch list where you could add general items to it. As in yours, a report would be sent when the item sought was listed.

I also haven't gotten around to making a minor suggestion where a report is sent when a watched auction is close to ending.


I like it, but I would prefer to do a request in the market. For example, I want a [beep] and I only will pay 25K max. Then other players can offer me the item and the price( lower or equal to my budget).


I like it, but I would prefer to do a request in the market. For example, I want a [beep] and I only will pay 25K max. Then other players can offer me the item and the price( lower or equal to my budget).

I thought of that but figured that type of listing would be filled with hundreds of people offering hundreds of competing prices for the same product.Your offer will be lost in the confusion.


I thought of that but figured that type of listing would be filled with hundreds of people offering hundreds of competing prices for the same product.Your offer will be lost in the confusion.

It's also already been suggested and submitted with Minor Ideas #11. You're probably right about that flaw though. There are enough frivolous sales offers as it is. It could easily be a lot worse with purchase offers.


Potential unintended consequences would be that the person maintaining such a "watch list" of items not yet on the market would receive an email of this event as soon as they received a telegram.


I was also going to suggest a similar idea to this it's a yes from me :)