Roadmap 2011 Feedback


Well-Known Member
The good, the bad and the ugly... we want to hear it. (Please ensure all criticism is constructive - we appreciate feedback upon which we can act.)


Tell Zet if he screws too much with dueling I will win the lottery several times, rejoin BETA at some point, spend a million dollars buying skill points and will kick his backside!
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Well-Known Member
I like the roadmap, hope that with the new class balance system adventurers will be finally balanced.


Duels also cost more health points. Passing out will be weakened a bit.

This is not good. The 45 minute duel back created a bias in favor of the knuckle dragger resist dueler that essentially killed off the ability of the dueling adventurer to compete and made it even more difficult for any other build to compete.

Duels costing more HP further create more inbalance in favor of the knuckle dragger build.

Steps have been taken lately to make the Dueler class more effective (class still needs more improvement) and more damage done in dueling will negate all of those advances for this class since it is a lower HP build.

Other lower HP dueling builds are going to go the way of the dueling adventure and all your going to end up with dueling is the over muscled Cyclops and his club.

As far as the maneuvering additions and current skills being less useful for hitting and damage chances but more useful for dueling actions I can already dance rings around the knuckle dragger build with a charisma/dodge build.

The problem is only doing minimal damage to that build with each hit, lower HP, and only needing to be hit once or twice per duel to loose it while needing to hit every shot to win.

Making it so "skilled builds" hit less and do less damage again only favor the knuckle dragger build.

As far as all that maneuver additions itself goes seems on the surface to be overly complicated and sounds like Mortal Kombat or some such garbage to me.

I don't know, a bunch of Cyclops trying to act like ballerinas while dueling does not sound like an improvement to me.


Boy, I can't tell you how excited I am that you plan to make it easier for duellers to prey on non-duellers.


:( unlimited buildings levels = no
:( deteriorating buildings = no

Everything else = YES!!! :cool:


The modern "simple" look I don`t like. I like the layout as it is. It has already had graphical improvements from 1.26 to 1.27. The new layout as shown in the roadmap looks complicated. It´s simple now as it is. It was even simplier during 1.26. :). But this is just me. Every other feature is good. Just keep up the good work.


Duels cost more HP, and lifting the dueling block are both bad for the game.


Yep. And duels can already cause 1000 damage or more. No need to lift it. And how can that cause KOs to be weakened? It increases KOs, not decrease.


Roadmap 2011

I don't like the idea of deteriorating buildings at all.
I was going to be a builder in the new world when it opens but I will have to rethink that if the buildings are going to deteriorate.

I love the idea of more customizable Avatars and hope we can have eye patches.


Well-Known Member
Now that I think again and what it was already posted, what will happen to the "Putting the last nail" medal? I waited more then one year to get the "Trainee builder" medal (because I was level 99), but with this change the medal cannot be accomplished any more ...


Now that I think again and what it was already posted, what will happen to the "Putting the last nail" medal? I waited more then one year to get the "Trainee builder" medal (because I was level 99), but with this change the medal cannot be accomplished any more ...

the "puh, the last nail" medal i believe is for finishing x-amount of shop levels, so why would that change?

more dueling changes.....well, we shall see. i like the looks of most of it tho. even the endless building and whatnot its something for a builder to do, and now with the new jobs having a couple nice higher jobs for the builder class nothing wrong with letting a builder that wants to build do just that


Duels doing more damage = bad idea
Lifting the duel block = Very Very bad idea

Please don't do these 2, or you will turn this great game into a cheap web-browser slugfest kind of game, where you will pass out 3 times a day.

The dueling block is excellent right now, it gives you breathing time, both for winner and loser.


awesome stuff inno. people always forget they are fighting other people, and tend to think they are fighting the game...
the more complicated, the better a game is...
like i have said many times before we should put a "win" button for the simpsons...

i cant wait to pwn your cash at poker and then ko you for not having enough of it!



Two things.
1. Even though he uses the term "knuckle dragger" way too much, I do agree with TJ Tuttle that more HP loss during duels is a bad idea and it does indeed favor a resistence dueler ...or even a regular melee dueler at that. They already get natural health by that build AND the extra 50% HP bonus if a soldier, so this would further hurt duelers, adventurers and builders who will be spreading points elsewhere and who simply cannot afford two duels in a row. It would be making a problem worse in those regards. Lifting the duel block would turn it more into some zippy crap (like the duels on Facebook games).

2. I really like the idea of buildings deteriorating and having more levels. Builders get bored with the game faster and either reskill or simply stop playing. They are the only class whose job ends right now within a town. Sure, they can go help another town build ...but that is making my point. Some people really like to build and upkeep, so let them. They wouldn't have to change build just because their job is over.


I like a lot of it but the dueling HP and doing more damage and lifting dueling block are terrible Ideas.


excellent road map. everything is ok by me. duel round increasement=realistic and same with building+levels.


I like most of the ideas and would be interested to see them implemented and tried before commenting on them further.

There are however 2 things areas that I would like to see developed in forth coming updates:

1) More quests after level 75. When you get to level 80, you can easily have completed all the quests, but, you still have 1/3 of the levels to complete with nothing really to do.

2) The removal of the sector bonus for Golden Guns. I think they are, great weapons, I love mine, but the multiplying effect of having multiple Golden Guns in a sector is getting beyond a joke. Having attackers replicating a tower bonus due to multiple Golden Guns and hitting every shot for +400 hp (non duellers) is a bit daft. It is encouraging everyone to be an hp tank build, just to be able to survive more than a few rounds. Maybe the sector bonus was put in as the guns were designed to be a rare item, but, they are becoming increasingly common and fort fights are becoming less fun as less skill is needed as a result.