you should get at least 1 exp point for every duel won....


a guy on world 11 found the glitch (keep your motivation at zero) that lets you get 0 exp when dueling ANYONE. so, he can still fight low level guys even though hes got a ton of wins and lots of cash form those wins.


It is not a glitch.

There are hundreds of players that do this intentionally.

Search the forum for "zero motivation dueling".


Also he cannot keep it at 0 constantly, because motivation rises by 10 every day and he will earn a tiny bit of experience. Eventually it will increase his dueling level.


And 1 XP for a duel will hardly do anything to harm a zero motivation dueler. At level 30 doing nothing but dueling would give you about 1 level per 1k wins...who cares?


Zeromo dueling is nothing new what rock you crawl out from behind?Yesterdays news so onward and upward .
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