Jobs list on mini map


Hi all,

Haven't been playing for long... But enjoying the game and reading the forum..

I know forts are the main push at the moment.... But.... I think it would be really nice to have a check list next to jobs displayed on the mini map... these might need to be colour coordinated.

For example, if your doing a certain quest, you may want to display the next 4 jobs you need to do...

Or, if your trying to build levels and make some money, then you want to display beaver hunting and prospecting for example...

You could pull down the drop down menu, click next to the jobs you want displaying... and the coloured dots would be displayed with a key until you change your selection.

Apologies if this has been seen before...



This is already implemented, look it up on the mini map. And looking up two jobs takes a few seconds.


I like that idea, there have been times when I want/need to do a few different jobs and want to find a cluster in close proximity of each other.