Max $ sales value of findable items



Eiswiesel recently confirmed that items can currently be found (under optimal conditions...motivation, LP, luck etc.) up to a sales value of $3642.

This means that some of the "special weapons" could theoretically be found including Hernando's sword.



I'm assuming the max possible would require the absolute greatest possible number of labor points in ambush the stagecoach, i.e. level 99 with all AP in charisma and all SP in skills used for that job, plus the best gear. Even with all that, $3642 is then the top value possible, so it would still be very rare to get any item worth more than $3000.


The question is if there are other limits than sell value of the found items, and I suspect there is. Many people have reported that it seems that different jobs drop items from different 'pools' of possible drops.

So in order to find these high-end fancy weapons they'd need to be in the drop pool of the job.

Also, the highest value items could either come from either

a) Ambush Stage Coach with 100 Charisma (300 LP) and 300 Skill points (300 LP) with the best equipment that's 600 + 159 - 475 = 284 LP


b) Grave Robber with 100 Dex (300 LP) and 300 Fine Motor Skills (600 LP) with the best equipment has 900 + 156 - 265 = 791 LP


I Havent notice any diffrens in items i found in ambush coach wagon since i started it and i have 100+ nowdays.
My best find is sharp tomahawk with a sale vaule of 2450$.

So i dont think your LP increase the vaule but it reduce the chans you get hurt while you work.


@Dr Drud: True, I realised just after I posted that grave robber has 2 FMS, meaning you can get huge LP for it. I wish we knew more about how luck and LP work so we could say for certain which would give better items.

@Dashivas: Many people who know a lot more about this game than me have assured me that higher LP does increase the (average) value of items found, and I am inclined to trust them, especially since my own experiences with selling guns to indians seem to back them up.


I also am curious about how LP changes luck. I wonder if it's a flat # or a %.


I was told by a German community member that after 100 labour points the effect on luck is negligible (1$ for every LP), though I'm not 100% sure if that is true.