Find Kate's ring


firstly This quest will only appear if you meet the following requirements: No weapon equipped, you have 300 dollars, server time is between 19:00 and 23:50. and then later on there is another quest where For this quest to appear you must not have a weapon equipped. As well as this it must be Wednesday and you must still have 5 silver.


thanks o lot.i will try it.
only wednesday i can finish it?


Click on the link in my signature - the quest is confusing cause it's finished out of order.


I just completed the quest, without meeting the requirements. I took my weapon off, walked into the saloon without any money on me at 19:15 server time and the quest appeared. I defeated him first try. According to the quest info, the Sheriff will look for me after 20 minutes and that seems like when I need the money. Have product you can sell but wait till after you have defeated the thief. Also, I dodged left, left, right, left and aimed for his left as someone had posted earlier. He was easy to defeat.For the second half of the quest, 5 silver bars that the Sheriff gives you next,I have to complete that part on Wednesday.
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