Black Mountains (Holy ****)


I have been sent this telegram from someoone I know but I cannot find anything about it I was hoping someone out there can help.

Have you gotten to the quest where Mudridge wants you to go the Black Mountains (Holy ****)
yet? It says to go to the mid-northern section of the map and find a job (purple dot). I have accepted the quest and looked for the purple dot. Am I crazy, doing something wrong? Please help.


I could be wrong I have not get to the quest yet but there only one box on the map that as tow purple dot box 6 lest row. Hope that help, if not sorry.


Top row, 6th column from the left (or 5th from the right.) It's toward the bottom of the rectangle, near the center.


The key part here is:

"I have not get to the quest yet"

You only see a Quest Giver if you're on his/her/its quest. You won't see any of the past/future quest's Quest Givers, no matter how hard you look.


The key part here is:

"I have not get to the quest yet"

You only see a Quest Giver if you're on his/her/its quest. You won't see any of the past/future quest's Quest Givers, no matter how hard you look.

That comment was part of a response, the original post said that the quest has already been accepted.


Where is the quest giver i looked where i was told in this thread it isnt there. Am i missing something please please help


be sure you have accepted the quest and although this seems silly try hitting complete quest if you have that sometimes works you should be able to see the purple dot on mini map with no trouble


Hint: You have to go to the road junction in the north. It only exists once in the world. Look for the junction in the central northern areas.

I would like to do this quest later in the game.Do you know how long or if it will always be there



The quest will stay there untill you complete it or cancel it. If you cancel it, you can simply accept it again.