Tips for both workers + duelers


Look, current game already provide mechanism in place for both types to prosper. I will disclose some of the tips I know so hopefully people will stop whining.

Background, I started as a builder, then pumped up my skill points as a worker, then forced to spend points on some dueling skills to avoid being a big fat target all the time, reducing my efficiency in building + working jobs.

There is no perfect world. Workers are like the herbivores, providing necessary "nutrients" to town & duelers. Duelers are like top of the food pyramid, hence my end game goal is to become a pure dueler, once I can save up enough money to get the gear I want + re-spec my skill points.

I've been in a couple of towns. In two of the towns I was/am in, top 1 or 2 contributors were duelers. Shocking isn't it? They contribute a lot to the town's coffer, often exceed 10,000 dollars. Duelers should not complain so much as I will share a bit but I cannot share all since those duelers did not authorize me to disclose how they manage to make so much money, I will have to be a bit vague about it.

Tips for Workers:

1. Suicide/be killed when you are vulnerable. You gain valuable time when you're down and focus on cash jobs, that's what I do, drive my cash job motivation down low then work on exp or luck jobs when I'm vulnerable and wait for my cash job motivation to recover. If I'm in a busy town, chances are good enemy dueler will kill me again just when my cash job motivation recover to 100% :)

2. Go back to town and deposit after every cash job. Don't be lazy, I know it's a hassle but do it, this way, it's hard to lose money as duelers only get the time between you finish job and sleep in your town's hotel to rob your money from a job.

3. Buy good items that offer dueling skill bonuses and work jobs that allow you to wear those gear. It sucks as you may not be able to work that high exp, high cash, or high luck job but it's your choice, you CHOSE to take on more risks and work on more lucrative job, DO NOT blame duelers to take advantage of it and kill/rob you.

4. Consider spend some points into dueling skills. I spent some points on dodge + aim, eventhough they do not help me in either construction nor jobs but it's a necessary evil as I can at least fight back, hurting those lions who tries to rob me :) Even if I don't survive, at least I can hurt the attacker a bit so enough of us workers do it, enemy dueler cannot duel as many of us because he'll be hurting for hit points.

If you follow all these, you won't lose much cash. You need to make some sacrifices but that's tough, life is not fair, you cannot have best of everything, work lucrative jobs and duelers cannot get any chance to get you is just not fair.

Tips for Duelers

1. Study your target area.

2. Share your "hunt" info, hunt in packs. I know some duelers share where rich "area" are and it's a quid pro quo system. I got some loot, I let you know, you can have seconds, you let me know if you find any town good to loot, etc.

3. Pay attention to quest levels. For example, level 23 quest has several rewards totalling several hundred thousand. That is a lot of money and some duelers targetted players in that range on purpose, increase their chance of finding good cash. This is no longer very relevant since many of our levels have gone up so I am sharing it, I got this tip from a dueler who has since quit the game out of boredom :(


Workers have more stable income, but risk being robbed of their earning, tough luck, you trade more stable income in exchange for being a prey to duelers. If you don't like it, do what I do, plan to convert to a dueler yourself.

Duelers have erratic income but in a way, "steady" high exp if you can find enough prey to kill. I jump up and down in joy if I can even get 100 exp from one job. Due to the fact I had to spend some skill points to defend against duelers, my good exp job was train station building, which is not very good. Do not complain about your "erratic" income because you made the choice to be a dueler, you have nobody to blame but yourself. Why do some duelers have better, higher average income than some others? Perhaps you should try to improve how you find preys as well as other ways of playing. You can be pumping up aim/dodge which will not help you do jobs but improve your chances in dueling, that's your choice, don't blame others. I want to be a dueler in the end because I saw in 2 of the towns in, where the top 1 or 2 contributors were duelers. Look, one dueler regularly report his finding with his buddies and they all go swarm to those easy towns to grab more money. Play smarter, don't whine. This applies to both worker + duelers as there are existing game mechanism to help both. Duelers can always work jobs that still use duel skills to make money or find items if they so wish.


I know you mean well, but if they can't figure out common sense for themselves, they deserve no better than to be robbed every 2nd hour.


I know you mean well, but if they can't figure out common sense for themselves, they deserve no better than to be robbed every 2nd hour.

I'm just afraid of developers listen to people who only knows one way to play, screw up delicate balance.

Seriously, I am already heading towards the dueler path myself, after talking with friends who are duelers, comparing our money making ability, "fun" factor, etc. However, because I have friends who are duelers, I learned what frustrate them and change my character according to be less "attractive" target for duelers.

You can re-spec, you hate being a dueler, think it's unfair, re-spec and be a worker. The same goes with workers.

I spent over 200 hours on construction already, workers + duelers were both way better than being a builder. At least builder got some more viable jobs using construction skill with the last job change.


I'm making a builder in W4 now, just to see what all the fuss is about.

If I don't get molested and KO'ed every 48 hours and every waking hour, I'll be wondering what all the fuss is about.

THe way these buggers whine makes it sound like they are the sole fat kid at a pedophile convention.


I'm making a builder in W4 now, just to see what all the fuss is about.

If I don't get molested and KO'ed every 48 hours and every waking hour, I'll be wondering what all the fuss is about.

THe way these buggers whine makes it sound like they are the sole fat kid at a pedophile convention.

In my current town on W1, it's quite peaceful, here is my duel report

Duel: Siculo vs. Blitzkrieg Today at 12:05 AM Duel: begus vs. Blitzkrieg On 1/8/09 at 4:14 PM

I was remarking on our town forum yesterday, it's such a change from my previous town, where I get at least 3-4 duel reports a day, often more as our town was higher on the ranking list and attract all kinds of duelers to come and duel for loot or exp (previous town's average level is also higher, I'm one of the highest level player in my current town plus it's smaller so it's less attractive to exp seeking duelers, at least that's what I think)

It's simply annoying, not fatal, those workers/builders just need to learn the value of being killed and use that invulernable to duel time efficiently, that's all.


I'm making a builder in W4 now, just to see what all the fuss is about.

If I don't get molested and KO'ed every 48 hours and every waking hour, I'll be wondering what all the fuss is about.

THe way these buggers whine makes it sound like they are the sole fat kid at a pedophile convention.


Anyway Blitz, this should be read by all duellers and workers alike. We all have our advantages and disadvantages. It heavily depends on how you play as much as your character choice.
Im also scared the devs will listen to all the uninformed whining. The people who do moan are usually greatly over-exaggerating the problem.

Like the worker the other day who was moaning about always being duelled and he thinkgs the system should be changed. He was duelled twice. I really hope someone can talk around all these ideas that threaten the balance of the game.


mmm maybe everyone should read this before playing... having said that this forum wouldnt be half as fun without the complaining


Just to add a bit, since most of the duelers are shooters, here is a list of jobs you can do with shooting skills






Most of those skills offer a combinaton of high cash or high exp job, with the exception of vigor. Vigor seem to only get high cash jobs and highest exp job is at 42%, picking agaves. If you are a melee dueler, you should pump up some other stats as well that offer high exp jobs to compensate.


Just saying, nobody specialises in one duelling skill, and thats what you might need to do to get a lot of the higher jobs (except appearance). Duellers have a mix of those :)

Carving out Claims is a 31% cash job, that comes quick for duellers (and everyone lol). Trading as well, but none others appear for a long time.


Just saying, nobody specialises in one duelling skill, and thats what you might need to do to get a lot of the higher jobs (except appearance). Duellers have a mix of those :)

Carving out Claims is a 31% cash job, that comes quick for duellers (and everyone lol). Trading as well, but none others appear for a long time.

yeah, I have like 20 carving claim flags or something at one point, that was my best income job for a while. I was able to do a bunch of high "exp" jobs as a newbie builder due to construction skill open up laying railroad tracks, bridge building, buidl railroad station, etc.

appearance and tactics are both pretty good, lots of good jobs.


being builder your easy pray in the start, so if you plan on going dueler id pump it up at the start when people still think your a builder and you can get easy wins in the start. After about lvl 20 if world has been closed you stop being dueled as much because then the duelers have to actually target some people that have won a few fights such as other duelers/adventurers


Tips for Workers:
2. Go back to town and deposit after every cash job. Don't be lazy, I know it's a hassle but do it, this way, it's hard to lose money as duelers only get the time between you finish job and sleep in your town's hotel to rob your money from a job.

Alternative to tip above:
After waking up, schedule job1 and job2. Your cash should be $0-
After finishing job1 and starting job2, schedule 30 minutes of construction with the money from job1. (Or 1 hour of construction, if you got more than about $75).
After finishing job2 and starting construction (I assume you did job2 with the best clothing for construction), deposit the money you got from job2 into the bank.
With this tactic, you will have to visit the town once every 2 jobs.


Tips for Workers:

1. Suicide/be killed when you are vulnerable. You gain valuable time when you're down and focus on cash jobs, that's what I do, drive my cash job motivation down low then work on exp or luck jobs when I'm vulnerable and wait for my cash job motivation to recover. If I'm in a busy town, chances are good enemy dueler will kill me again just when my cash job motivation recover to 100% :)

You can keep unsolved a quest where you must fight a NPC. Fight him repeatedly until you're K.O.; the duels and "passed-out" won't be added to the statistics at the mortician, and the lost duels won't be added to your character page.


my builder on w2 gets dueled by one jerkwad<nice words for him) all the time.. he cannot knock me out in one hit but the coward always hits me in building gear.. (read further for explain)

But you see.. I'm the founder of a SMALL town and I'm QUITE high.. but I've never been much of a builder lol I have 120 construction but I also have the gear to duel....... and you have never relised just how many crappily setup duelers/adventurers there are. So obviously I have bought gear to enhance my dueling and I win 4 out of 5 duels in that gear..... I know I know what does this have to do with this..........

More often then not the average dueler never bothers to look at the gear your wearing or what class you are. So .. yea yea.. I'll get on with it High level builders are brick wallls.. they can take hit after hit and keep standing.. but with the right gear they can deal some massive damage BACK as most duelers cannot handle a builder who can take a 600-700 point hit and deal 500 back.. there has been many a time that someone has visited me thinking I was some soft squishy target...

This all started when there was a "wolf pack" who was always attacking me/my town I was highest so they would always get to me in the first couple people so I bought vigor dueling gear and "taught em a lesson" they stopped coming around after I knocked them out a few times during their visit..

bottom line of all that blather....... GEAR MAKES THE MAN