Fort Fight resistance


New Member
How does resistance influences damage in fort fights?
I saw in the west wiki how it is calculated but in damage calculations there were no resistance variables.

I believe resistance influences the damage but couldn't find any information on how it works.


Well-Known Member
Simply subtract the resistance value from the damage you receive. So the damage you would get without resistance would be (enter your resistance value) higher. It's just that since last year it's become a bit more complicated. The main resistance is the one from [(setting traps/hiding) x 300/HP] and is subtracted from weapon damage+buffs, and the secondary resistance is the one from items and is subtracted from sector damage and leadership damage.


Well-Known Member
is the next zapata upgrade good for tanking? i had no idea how it worked until ^ explain, i remember clearly doing less than 80 damage in a fella and he had no more hp than me, so there is a tank gear that by not applying hp doesnt decrease the damage you inflict; that sounds neato

does it make for viable dueller tank? is also a hybrid build i see. aim might be poor tho so i need to 1v1 a fatso soulja for optimal gains. oohhhohohooohoh


Well-Known Member
is the next zapata upgrade good for tanking?
No, but it's good for damagers, especially the weapons. But not tank damager, just damager, full charisma, full leadership. If you're a worker, maybe you can tank a bit in some situations.