Cameron EU Referendum

So, our glorious leader David Cameron has declared that if he wins the next election, he will give the UK population a referendum on the EU, with two options Stay in, or Get out.
I am personally against this, for teh simple reason that if we go out, then our overseas businesses will still have to comply with EU regulations, and then we won't have a say in the regulations in the first place.
I cannot see a single benefit to this.
It's like a toddler throwing all his toys out of the pram then demanding to be taken to the toyshop.
So those are my thoughts, what are yours?


Perhaps he's tired of the UN's perpetual inefficiency, and the fact that 99% of what they do is grandstanding?
I mean seriously, the UN has been saying " No! Bad! Stop doing that!" to iran and north korea over their nuclear programs- hasn't done a thing. The UN costs countries millions, in exchange for not all that much.
The can lock countries into some very nasty treaties, too-ones that may well go against the will of the people.

All summed up, i think he's very right to put it to the will of the people.


Perhaps he's tired of the UN's perpetual inefficiency, and the fact that 99% of what they do is grandstanding?
I mean seriously, the UN has been saying " No! Bad! Stop doing that!" to iran and north korea over their nuclear programs- hasn't done a thing. The UN costs countries millions, in exchange for not all that much.
The can lock countries into some very nasty treaties, too-ones that may well go against the will of the people.

Agreed, the UN is pretty useless, as is the EU. But as I stated in my first post, that doesn't mean we should leave, because if we do, it'll just hurt the UK more.

All summed up, i think he's very right to put it to the will of the people.

Shame most of the people are morons.

It doesn't matter anyway, the Tories will not be elected, they weren't elected in the last election, why should they be in the next?


I want a say, when your in Europe thats it no going back, ive no wish personally be in a federal state of Europe.

It wont happen for another 6 years Scotland gets to vote on the UK and weve had zip but a promise for 20 years....

Europe is a total disaster from day one, nothing was done or set up as it was advised, its been totally rushed and half the economies have been allowed in the back door when they cant even support themselves, they cooked the books to get in. The reason we are wanted there ? to pay for the rest basically.

Labour or Tory theres little difference, the only reason we are getting told there will be a choice ? because they are scared not to.... Labour spent like pigs they will do so again and your taxes will rise to pay for it regardless. Lying, big business and self serving scumbags the lot of them.

Naaa im not happy to pay the ludicrous EU MP salaries and expenses or bail out the Euro when its a failed currency, we are stuffed as it is without adding to the problem.

IN/OUT no one here under the age of 55 has had any voice, its about time they did.
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I could spend ages explaining why the benefits outweigh the losses (including the benefits you don't see) but frankly, I can't be bothered.



Trust us the people to make the right decision - and if that decision proves wrong we only have ourselves to blame.


UK parties are in a mess ... you have the far right like ukip, the far left like galloways respect party, the traditional lib dems don't know what they are anymore, tories are just tories and labour is in a state of confusion too ... i see coalition governments for a while
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I could spend ages explaining why the benefits outweigh the losses (including the benefits you don't see) but frankly, I can't be bothered.


Please do, there are benefits and liabilities you don't see. The Question here is should the British people be allowed to vote on their own destiny, I say yes. Its true nothing is told about being in or out and would be good if people looked things up properly and didnt just take the word of the lapdog media such as the British Brainwashing Cooperation.


It may be the British Brainwashing Cooperation, but it's the most trustworthy out there. Who else would you put more trust in, in this day and age it's no longer who is the best, it's who's not the worst.


I say just ask EU to kick out the countrys who had been the trouble makers of the EU crashing, example> Greece. No need to fuel a country with corruption, and another country may be portugal etc. "If you want us so badly" seems the message by EU so why not respond the same by telling them to ditch falling countrys :).


Lol nashy, bring it a bit more right just near UAE, and you will enter GCC (Gulf Coperation Council)

Yes, so I can go to U.K. without visa nor passport :D. Just needs civil ID (social security number in U.S.)

So you guys could come in to GCC, just ask and see :).

I hope of such country like U.K. in GCC.

Current members (not 100% accurate)








I might miss some, I don't think so though.
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It may be the British Brainwashing Cooperation, but it's the most trustworthy out there. Who else would you put more trust in, in this day and age it's no longer who is the best, it's who's not the worst.

No unfortunately it is not, it is what you are conditioned to think. Referred to as the Aunty beeb, where on earth do you suppose that little line came from ? There is nothing independent about the BBC and never has been, The BBC is a semi-autonomous, state authorised news channel and broadcaster. Its licensed by the government and people were until recently obligated to pay a licence tax to it just to own a television. In propaganda mode It is selective, it is biased no less than any other state news corp.

Please do inform us of the benefits of becoming fully European, whilst the rest of Europe is virtually a guaranteed failure it is amazing people still don't even care to look into the real pros and cons.

You won't find it on any main media channel or tabloid just minor flashes and excerpts every now and then. You think the problems in Europe are even close to solved ? not at all no, just papered over literally with billions of euros until it runs out. Greece's issue is nothing compared to Spains and others.

I don't even think younger people understand what this will mean in the long term, the media isnt going into anything in detail, no one in mainstream economics wishes to discuss it openly on prime time and the people are not informed or encouraged to.

Instead you have the presstitues telling you nothing at all but guff and sweeping statements.

There was talks of Britain becoming part of the new monetary change making us use Euro instead of the British pound, oh they banged on about it and it very nearly happened. You actually remember any of that ? because I do, how smart does that now sound ?

Put it to the people and you will see the campaigns spring into action, the good thing is by the time we get around to having a say i doubt there will be a European union to vote about anyway. Not in the form it is currently in anyway thats for sure


Personally I'd like a little more information about the options as so far all I've heard is the UKIP propaganda of "it'll solve all of our immigration problems and allow us to get rid of the Red tape imposed by Brussels" and the Pro-Europe propaganda of "if we leave the UK will fall into a economic black hole from which it'll take a decade for us to recover".
Come on it serioulsy can't be that black and white?


Braet, he meant that the economy of U.K. can be very mysterious anr it might be effected easier by external economies or power.

Eh UK are welcome in GCC, if so. I would see most Britons in Dubai.


Personally I'd like a little more information about the options as so far all I've heard is the UKIP propaganda of "it'll solve all of our immigration problems and allow us to get rid of the Red tape imposed by Brussels" and the Pro-Europe propaganda of "if we leave the UK will fall into a economic black hole from which it'll take a decade for us to recover".
Come on it serioulsy can't be that black and white?

No its not that black n white and thats exactly what im saying, unless you really look into it you will only have what they care to sensationalise. Its really up to the person to look into it and there is plenty of information when you look about.


For instance we can see here we currently import more from the EU than we export so if you think being out of the EU would harm our exports its highly unlikely as we buy more than we sell and they will still wish to sell to us, theres no doubt about that, quid pro quo.

Just a simple example of what isnt being said ;)


No its not that black n white and thats exactly what im saying, unless you really look into it you will only have what they care to sensationalise. Its really up to the person to look into it and there is plenty of information when you look about.


For instance we can see here we currently import more from the EU than we export so if you think being out of the EU would harm our exports its highly unlikely as we buy more than we sell and they will still wish to sell to us, theres no doubt about that, quid pro quo.

Just a simple example of what isnt being said ;)

Than leave and join GCC :D

No we did have a plan to get united currency, but not anymore(The UAE said something about EU I think which was look at EU. And we removed the idea :D),We don't usually bail others but we do send out our forces to help each other! :D
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Well-Known Member
If you saw the amount we pay to be a member of the EU every year, and the benefits that being a member brings, the huge membership fee is way too much for the worth of those benefits. Even if we left the EU, trading with other EU countries wouldn't be much different than before.


Than best option is to leave and study my proposal?
Join GCC that is :).


Than best option is to leave and study my proposal?
Join GCC that is :).

No thanks.

GCC is just a bunch of Sultanates hanging onto family power with not a lot but oil, its an OPEC run cartel with Anglo military muscle due to the petrodollar and not what id call respectful of personal freedoms at all.

Far too many other things besides.

Now keep it on topic about the EU or go make another thread. Thanks


Didn't the EU sack themselves about 5 years ago for being rubbish and then turn up for work next day as if nothing had happened. I'm against being in the union. Apart from the brits and others saveing three of them from two of the others. I beleive Europe see Britain as uncouth, violent, drunks. Who don't know whats good for them. I don't like many politicians. You could count them on the knuckles of one fist. (i wish). Were not a colonial nation. Were not a superpower anymore. We'll be alright.