Feedback 2024 Awesomia Battle Initiative - Feedback


Well-Known Member
We're the usual exception, but Dakota had a fairly small battle with mostly the people who FF every day anyway. 16 vs. 27 went until round 33. At some point in the 20s, I shifted the surviving offlies to be a screen for the Damagers we had left. Did it help? Maybe a little. Would they have been any more use left where they were? Probably not. The online Damagers lived a little longer; spending offlies to give just one more bond to active players will always make sense to me.

I think the defensive general sent all the offlies to Flag as there were around 10 people bouncing through the Negs or stuck on Flag.


Well-Known Member
Add extra rewarded battles on the worlds where you forgot to dig the last time.

Also it would be good to start ranking someone in Awesomia by default for the offliner target reset tool.


The West Team
Fort Balancing Strategist
Forum moderator
Add extra rewarded battles on the worlds where you forgot to dig the last time.
We plan to do the forgotten battles upcoming wednesday. This month we intend to do a battle every weekend with the exception of the forgotten one.

As far as having a player assigned/ranked to be able to do offliner movements as mentioned by both players above, I brought it up in the team & will see what the possibilities are.